By using our UM grooving land tool instead of a conventional groving mill you will see considerable reduction in machine time by up to 70%.
You will also be able to machine with much tighter tolerances since all the cutting edges are built into one tool while still keeping the vibrations to a minimum.
The conventional method.
This is an extremely time consuming operation where you also risk that the tolerances between each groove are not within the acceptable limits.
Part of our self-developed 3-way process.
The UM Grooving land tool makes it possible to make all the grooves in a one-shot operation, which makes is much faster to machine while keeping the tolerances between each groove much tighter compared to the standard groove mill.
Watch our self-developed 3-way solution to machine spool bore holes faster and with more consistency.
Our solution consists of a pilot drill, a ring-free reamer and the UM grooving land tool.